OA Sheets Amazon Leads and Tools


Finding profitable products to sell on Amazon FBA can be tricky. With so many options available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed! But picking the right products is key to success in this business. This guide is here to help new FBA sellers navigate the process of finding products to sell on Amazon. Whether you’re looking to start a side hustle or turn it into a full-time job, this guide has got you covered. Now, let’s be real: making thousands of dollars a day isn’t realistic for most beginners. It takes time, money, and connections to reach that level. But that’s okay! This guide focuses on practical advice for those just starting out. If you’re already a pro, you’ve got bigger fish to fry than reading beginner guides!


  • Criteria for Choosing Products for Amazon FBA
  • So as a beginner what do I sell.. There’s so much stuff…..
  • Product Types to Avoid
  • What about using a Lead List?

Criteria for Choosing Products for Amazon FBA


Competition Analysis


When there aren’t many other sellers offering the same product on an Amazon listing, it means there’s low competition. This can help your listing rank higher in search results and possibly get more sales. But remember, low competition doesn’t mean no competition! Sometimes, listings with no other sellers aren’t selling well for a reason. You want to target products that sell consistently, even if they’re not super popular. This way, you can avoid competing with big Amazon stores and have a better chance of success.

Why should we steer clear of the big Amazon stores? Shouldn’t we try to do what they do? Well, there are two main reasons I avoid them. First, Amazon often favors these big stores by giving them a big share of the buy box. They can offer lower prices because they sell thousands of items every day and can afford to take a loss now and then. This makes it tough for smaller sellers like us to compete. The second reason is that these big sellers buy their items in huge amounts, getting better prices than we can. So, even if they sell at lower rates, they still make a profit because they have so many items selling.


 Making sure your Good Buys Are in Fact Good Buys 

Selling on Amazon is different from eBay. With Amazon FBA, a product’s success depends on the demand in the market. The higher the demand, the better chance it has of selling well. You can use a tool called Keepa to research products by checking their Best Seller Rank (BSR), reviews, ratings, and estimated monthly sales. This gives you an idea of how popular the product is. But you need to dig deeper to understand if the product is seasonal. Some products sell a lot at certain times of the year, like Christmas decorations during the holiday season. More experienced sellers can make quick decisions based on their knowledge of similar products and market trends. It might seem like they’re making decisions on instinct, but it’s really from years of experience and studying thousands of products like the one they’re looking at.


 Return on Investment and Pricing

Setting strict criteria for sourcing products and knowing your minimum return on investment (ROI) limits is essential for success. Calculating ROI can be confusing and unnecessary, especially when tools like Asinzen provide this metric for you. For example, I use Asinzen, and all the leads I offer have an ROI of 35% or higher. I recommend sticking to this minimum threshold because going lower removes your safety net. If the selling price on Amazon drops, which can happen often, you risk losing money. So, it’s important to have a solid ROI requirement in place to protect your profits and ensure long-term success.

Checking Best Seller Rank (BSR)

Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR) is like a score that shows how well a product is selling on Amazon compared to others in the same category. The lower the BSR number, the more popular the product is and the more it’s selling. BSR changes frequently based on how much a product is being bought. Sellers use BSR to see how in-demand a product is and how it’s doing compared to others.

Supply and demand play a big role in how products are listed and sold on Amazon. Imagine if there are a lot of people wanting to buy something, like a popular toy or a new gadget. That means there’s high demand for it. When lots of people want something, sellers might raise the price because they know people will pay more to get it. On the other hand, if there’s not many people wanting to buy something, like an old book or a less popular item, there’s low demand. In that case, sellers might lower the price to try to attract buyers. So, on Amazon, you’ll see prices go up when lots of people want something and down when fewer people want it. It’s all about balancing how much people want something with how much of it is available.

Product Size and Weight

When you’re selling things on Amazon, the size and weight of your products can affect how much you have to pay in fees. Imagine if you’re shipping a big, heavy item like a piece of furniture. It takes up a lot of space and costs more to ship, so Amazon charges higher fees for it. But if you’re selling something small and light, like a phone case or a book, it doesn’t take up much space or cost as much to ship, so the fees are lower. For beginners just starting out, it’s a good idea to begin with smaller and lighter products because they’re easier to handle and cost less in fees. This way, you can learn the ropes of selling on Amazon without worrying too much about extra costs.

So as a beginner what do I sell.. There’s so much stuff…..


Grocery & Gourmet Food

Grocery can be a fantastic category for beginner Amazon FBA sellers for several reasons. Firstly, it’s a product that everyone needs regularly, ensuring a consistent demand. Additionally, grocery items are often small and lightweight, making them easy to store and ship, which is perfect for beginners with limited storage space. Another advantage is that it’s relatively easy to get “ungated” in the grocery category on Amazon, meaning you can start selling these items without facing many restrictions. Furthermore, sourcing products for resale is straightforward, as you can often find items on sale at your local grocery stores. This means you can take advantage of discounts to purchase inventory at lower prices, maximizing your potential profit margins. Overall, grocery presents a lucrative opportunity for beginners in retail arbitrage on Amazon, offering reliability, accessibility, and the potential for significant returns.

 Arts, Crafts and Sewing 

For retail arbitrage FBA sellers, focusing on items in the arts, crafts, and sewing category is a smart move. This category has lots of cool stuff that creative people love, and there’s always demand for it. Stores like Joann and Michaels, as well as online art stores (can’t give up my super secret sources, sorry guys!!) , are great places to find these items. They often have sales and special deals, so you can buy things at lower prices and sell them on Amazon for a profit. Plus, there’s not as much competition in this category as lots of sellers don’t seem to think about craft supplies when they think of things to sell on Amazon. But man, some of those craft supplies are crazy expensive, and have high demand. 


Pet Supplies


Pet supplies are a great choice for new Amazon sellers. People always need stuff for their pets, so there’s always demand. Pet items are usually small and easy to handle, which is perfect for beginners. Plus, it’s easier to start selling pet supplies on Amazon compared to other things. You can find pet stuff at stores like Petco or PetSmart, or even online at places like Chewy. And since more and more people are getting pets, the pet industry keeps growing. That means there’s a lot of potential to make money selling pet supplies on Amazon, even if you’re just starting out.

Office Supplies 

For retail arbitrage FBA sellers, focusing on the Office Supplies category on Amazon is a smart idea. This category includes stuff like pens, paper, and organizers that people use at work or school. You can find these things at stores like Staples, Walmart, Target, and Office Max, as well as online office supply stores. These stores often have sales, so you can buy things for less and sell them on Amazon to make money. Since people always need office supplies, there’s always demand for them. By picking items in this category and shopping at different stores, FBA sellers can do well on Amazon and earn a profit. The only time that things get kinda crazy in the office supply section is during the back to school season. During Back to school shopping (July and August) you will find great profits in the office supply section but you will also find many prices tanking (lowering quickly to an unprofitable level). 


Product Types to Avoid

As A brand new seller there are a few types of products I would suggest avoiding (at first) until you get your feet wet. 

Highly Competitive Products:

  • Selling things that many other people are selling is tough. Everyone is fighting to sell the same stuff, which means prices get really low. It’s hard for new sellers to get noticed in a big crowd of sellers who have been around longer and know what they’re doing. So, it’s like trying to win a race against a bunch of super-fast runners when you’re just starting to learn how to run.

Highly Regulated Items like lithium batteries, or anything in the hazmat program

  • If items are market Hazmat in Keepa, you will not be allowed to send those items into Fba unless you have been approved for the Hazmat program 

 Fragile Goods like glass, porcelain, bagged chips 

  • Some items are delicate and can break easily if not prepped correctly. Selling these can be tricky because you have to make sure they don’t get damaged and be able to factor the extra costs of doing so before you order the item. . It’s like trying to carry a bunch of eggs without dropping any – one wrong move, and they could break. Plus, if customers get damaged goods, they might want their money back, which means you lose out on sales.

Seasonal or Trend-Dependent Items:

Some products are only popular at certain times or when they’re trendy. For example, people buy a lot of holiday decorations around Christmas, but not so much in the summer. It’s like trying to sell snow cones in the middle of winter – not many people are interested. So, while these items might make you money when they’re hot, they could leave you with a lot of unsold stuff when the trend or season passes. 

 “it’s better to buy less and wish you had bought more, then to buy more and which you had bought less”

Thoroughly researching and picking products carefully are super important for succeeding on Amazon FBA. It’s like doing homework before a big test – you want to know everything about the topic to do well. By checking out what people are buying, how much competition there is, and if you can make money selling it, you can choose the best products to sell. This smart planning helps you avoid problems like too much competition or not enough people wanting to buy your stuff. It’s like making sure you have the right ingredients before baking a cake – you want everything just right to get a tasty result!

Keep going and keep learning as you search for products that really work. Finding the right ones might take time, but don’t give up! It’s like practicing a new skill – the more you try, the better you’ll get. Stay curious, keep exploring new ideas, and don’t be afraid to learn from mistakes. Every setback is a chance to grow and get closer to finding those winning products. So, stay determined and keep pushing forward – you’ve got this!

What about using a Lead List?

Using a lead list can be a great way to get started. This was personally how I began. I used a lead list to help me identify good sources and what good leads looked like. It was a lot easier for me to identify “good leads in the wild” when I had a list of them to study each day. 

But there are a few things to know about lead lists as a brand new seller- 

Leads may tank in Price  

If you are going to use a lead list go for a high profit one because it is common that the price will drop.  It simply comes back to supply and demand and there ends up being more supply than demand and therefore the price falls. This is why that cushion is sooo important.


There may leads that you will not be ungated

There may be leads that you will not be ungated in- and the sources provided on the lead list are not authorized wholesale distributors that will be able to provide you with invoices for ungating. The good news is, even if you are not ungated in these specific leads now- the leads can still provide value to you. You can use the sources and provided coupons to find other items you are able to sell and then later on come back to those leads when you are able to sell them. 


A good lead list should always pay for itself 

If you are using a lead list it shouldn’t cost you a thing, it should be making you enough in profits that its cost is always covered.